disc.font,8 «ac»«» «c4»- ----------- -«» «c1»Cultivication«» «c4»- ----------- -«» «»«as» «c2»And there is something I need to write about... Lately I launched another website from the amigawebring which was listed as a totaly new one and after the Internet Explorer on my PeeCee at work had built up the page, there was the title that made me doubt about it beneath a big and colorful domain logo, that said:«» «» «c4» "The Amiga Cult Site!"«» «» «c2»`What?` was my first thought. And my only reaction was to stare at the screen by asking me what I have to read there. What does it mean when a site that has been launched the first time a few days ago is already a cult site? Is my brain doing its job not as good as it should? Or was there something wrong with reality?«» «» And I had to recognise that this one was not the only site online which claimed to be cult although it wasn`t yet. There are also some others with doubtful advertisment about its cult state. And it is not only connected to websites. There are also some programs around which are known of course but still do not deserve to be called cult programs. But why became this way to behave so popular? Is it not longer possible to be not on the top? Do we always have to be the best? Do we have to fake what we make and what we are? Is this the last instance before self- denial of all amigians??? Of course this assumed cult is not only concentrated on amiga - it even has not started on it - but likewise and that was what made me sad.I though "we" were no fakers at all.Not in this way. But I had to realize that a wrong and bad way to get a product known swapped from the world industry to the computer system I love and always respected for its independence and honesty.Sad to notice that we are like the others. Nothing special anymore...«» «» «» «c4» And Now?«» «» «c2»When I am writing about something that is not cult,I have to write about what cult actually is. Also I don`t want to loose myself and take you in another depressive article about the bad things connected to our computer platform. I want to analyse the problem, reveal the reasons for it and hopefully solve it at the end.«» «» When starts something to be cult? Can everything be cult? And aren`t there a lot of things those were cult from the first second on? How to decided between "real" cult and things only praised as cult? These are questions that directly pop up in my mind. And I am not only willing to find the answers for them but also want to investigate why the things I wrote above are as they are?«» «» «» «c4» What Is Cult?«» «» «c2»Cult is always something special and I guess you will agree with me that cult is always something new. Or at least something that wasn`t there before in this special way. In a lot of cases was today`s cult a yesterday`s shock. When people where for example afraid about splatter movies because of their brutality and unhampared way to show the sexual act, they became cult in the underground scene very fast. Or even trash movies which were only sh*t (and mostly still are) developed to a special kind of art. These movies were so totaly out of order that they had to be recognised out of order. But how to judge something which wasn`t there before? Something you don`t know? Is it still pure crap or even art?«» «» Cult sets always new standards. Not higher but always never-seen-before standards. A cult object could be the only one of its kind, but it could be the first one too. "Baby" for example was the first of its kind and even if computers are standard and much faster these days, this big and slow machine remains cult. The c64 is already cult too and even the amiga itself, although still doubtful nowadays.«» Anyhow cult comes "normally" (if you can use this word by writing about cult) from the underground scenes. Mostly made by unknown persons. At least unknown for the puplic. Cult is also no mainstream. Never! Cult has to be so impressive that it has to become cult anyway! An example therefor is "Odyssey" by Alcatraz. Before the Alcatraz guys released this movie of a demo, no one used a demo this way. Cult inspires! Not to copy, but to develope own and maybe better ideas. Even if this never happened in the case of Odyssey - we saw a lot try but fail - it often does. And it should, thereby gets cult a function.«» «» «» «c4» What Is Cult Not?«» «» «c2»Cult doesn`t mean that it is good but good stuff doesn`t have to be cult. Cult has to survive. Anyway. A long time. Nothing is cult that is in today but already out tomorrow. And that is the problem of a lot of things which are declared to be cult today. As the best example for such assumed cult I chose boygroups. Started with the "New Kids On The Block" - who are cult by the way, because they found a new direction of music and performance - there are so many of them on the stages today, that they can not be cult anymore. Cult is, when the natural demand on something is effective higher than the possible supply AND advertising that is needed to cause this demand. Cult can not be repeated, but boygroups are repeating on and on. Always to be continued by others. They are only pushed. Simply?! Faked cult objects used by people dependent to media and advertising.«» Cult could also be something you never see or at least you are waiting for a long time. So for example Mr. Wilson from the american tv-series "Home Improvement" who has never shown his face until the last episode. And DISC also got a higher state of cult just due its two delays than it had before. It maybe never could beat RAW in the past but if you are able to read this article and if you know how many people have waited how long for the eleventh issue to come true you will know why it will surely get a higher state of cult as RAW got or at least why it has the chance to get it now, won`t you?«» «» But who makes cult? Today the "new" cult is mostly pushed or even faked by media and advertising agencies. People are watching tv and get told what they have to buy, to say and to believe. And it seems nothing is easier than this. It started with the Barbie puppets and had to be seen on the Tamagotchi and Pokemon hype. It seems people need someone to tell them what they need, but this is already another topic, I know.«» «» «» «c4» Cult Or Not Cult«» «» «c2»It is not always that easy to decided. There is a grey zone everywhere, as always. For example you will agree when I say that cult can not be a copy of something. But let us have a look at the "Rocky Horror Picture Show", which is without a question cult, but which is without a question a mixture of copies too! BUT IT IS cult. More doubtful is therefore the movie "From dusk `till dawn" by Quentin Tarantino. This piece of funny entertainment is of course something special and it is a great mixture of the best movies of its genre - the modern Rocky Horror Show so to say - but it also got pushed a lot as every new movie gets these days. I must confess I liked to watch it and I think it had the possibilities to become cult if it where not as pushed as it was at the end.«» «» «» «c4» The Resume«» «» «c2»One point I still haven`t thought about is the difference between and the similarity of cult and culture? Is it only a word family or something more? But the deadline is near and I am going to get out of breath and words at this point. Write some feedback and maybe I will publish a sequel article and both of them will become cult some time...«» «» At last I know this topic is too complicate and wide as that I could neither explain all my thoughts about it in one article nor find the ultimate solution. Maybe I should write a book about it some time if there is still none written yet. At least I hope to make you think about it and to ask yourself a question: Did we already start to deny ourselves?«» «» «c4»Written by Zito & Incognito«» «» «e»